PWC 257

PWC 257

I finished late this week, so I just submitted Challenge 1. But I finished Challenge 2 later without submitting it to github and will just post the entire code on this blog. I did both challenges in perl 4.019 on DOSBOX. For challenge 1, I also did it in python 1.4 beta on DOSBOX. Challenge 2 I only attempted in Perl. My solutions work in current versions of perl 5 (5.38) and python 2, though with warnings of the deprecated perl 4 package separator when I run challenge 2 in perl 5. 

Challenge 1 (Smaller than current)

We are given a list of integers ints say. We are asked to return a list of numbers giving at each index i the count of how many elements in ints are less than the element at ints[i].

Here is the perl 4 subroutine [link to github]:

sub smaller_than_current {
 local(@ranks)=(sort {$ints[$a]<=>$ints[$b];} 0..$#ints);
 foreach $i (1 .. $#ranks){
  if ($ints[$ranks[$i]]==$ints[$ranks[$i-1]]) {
  else {

We use sort with a custom function to rank the indices of ints in ascending order of the element at that index. This rank is the same as the number of int elements less than the element at that index, except that we need to make a minor adjustment for ties

Here is the almost direct translation to python [link to github]:

def smaller_than_current( intuple ):
 for i in range(len(intuple)):
 ranks=map(lambda x:x[1], ranks)
 for i in range(1,len(ranks)):
  if intuple[ranks[i]]==intuple[ranks[i-1]]:
 return retval

Challenge 2 (Reduced Row Echelon)

We are given a matrix and asked to ascertain if it is in "reduced row echelon" form. If it is:

  1. The first non-zero element (if any) of each row is 1. Let us call it the leading 1,
  2. The column in which the leading 1 occurs has all other elements equal to zero.
  3. The leading 1 in any row is to the right of the leading 1 in the previous row.
  4. All-zero rows (if any) are all at the bottom of the matrix.

I  use a home-made perl 4 matrix package called mtrx to conjure up some convenience functions: to read in a matrix (as hash) from a string, to return the row or the column of a matrix, and to give the number of rows. I then create the key subroutine is_rre to check for reduced row echelon format. It loops through rows and columns applying the criteria.

Here is the entire listing, since it is not on github.

#perl 4.019 on DOSBOX

sub reduced_row_echelon {

print &reduced_row_echelon("[1,1,0;0,1,0;0,0,0]"),"\n"; #0
print &reduced_row_echelon("[0,1,-2,0,1;0,0,0,1,3;0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0]"),"\n"; #1
print &reduced_row_echelon("[1,0,0,4; 0,1,0,7; 0,0,1,-1]"),"\n"; #1
print &reduced_row_echelon("[0,1,-2,0,1; 0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,1,3; 0,0,0,0,0]"),"\n"; #0
print &reduced_row_echelon("[0,1,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,0]"),"\n"; #0
print &reduced_row_echelon("[4,0,0,0; 0,1,0,7; 0,0,1,-1]"),"\n"; #0

package mtrx;

sub new {
 #read matrix (assoc array) from string
 #of form "[#,#..;#,#]" (matlab style)
 $new =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/;
 local($r,$c); #index thru rows and columns respectively
 local(@row); #temp variable to hold each row
 local(%new); #return value
 foreach $r (0 .. $#new) {
  foreach $c (0 .. $#row) {

sub col {
 #return column indexed c as array
 local( $c, %mtrx )=@_;
 local( @c ) = grep( /^$c,/, keys %mtrx );
 @c = sort {(split(/,/,$a))[1] <=> (split(/,/,$b))[1];} @c;

sub row {
 #return row indexed r as array
 local( $r, %mtrx )=@_;
 local( @r ) = grep( /,$r$/, keys %mtrx);
 @r = sort {(split(/,/,$a))[0] <=> (split(/,/,$b))[0];} @r;

sub nrow {
 #return number of rows in column c
 local( $c, %mtrx)=@_;
 local(@col)=&col($c, %mtrx);

sub is_rre {
 #check if reduced row echelon
 local(@leading_1, $r, $c, @row, @col);
 ROW: foreach $r (0 .. &nrow(0,%mtrx)-1) {
  $leading_1[$r] = (scalar(@row)+1);
  COL: foreach $c (0 .. $#row) {
   next COL if ($row[$c]==0);
   next ROW if ($leading_1[$r] < (scalar(@row)+1) );
   (return 0) if ($row[$c] != 1);
   (return 0) if ( ($r > 0) && ($leading_1[$r-1] >= $c) );
   ( scalar(grep($_==0,@col)) < (scalar(@col)-1) ) && (return 0);
 return 1;

My mtrx package allows the matrix to be irregular in shape (rows and columns could have varying lengths). Strictly speaking, I should have an additional check in is_rre to make sure that the input matrix is regular in shape. I haven't bothered with this chore.


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