PWC 258
PWC 258 Last week (#257) I finished challenge 2 and my blog post for challenge 257 late last week, so had only submitted challenge 1. Here is my blog post for PWC 257 , including the full code for my challenge 2 solution. This week, I have done both challenges in perl 4.019 on DOSBOX. Both scripts also work fine on the latest Perl 5.38. I also did the challenges in Raku, where they are one-liners. Challenge 1 (Count Even Digits Number) We are given a list of integers, and asked to count the number of elements whose base-10 representation has an even number of digits. In Raku , this is a one-liner. Here it is: raku -e 'say +@*ARGS.grep({$_.chars %% 2})' $@ It could be a one-liner in Perl 4 too, but since I run it on DOSBOX, my script would not be a bash shell script. Here is the short subroutine that does the job. sub count_even_digits { scalar( grep( ((length($_) % 2) == 0), @_) ); } The full code is here . Challenge 2 (Sum of values) We are given an integer k an...