PWC 195

PWC 195

Challenge 1 (Special integer)

We are given a positive integer n. We are asked to find the number of positive integers between 1 to n inclusive of both ends, i.e., 1 .. $n in Perl- or Raku-speak, such that no digit is repeated in the integer. For example, 11 or 1313 are not okay, but 12 or 1302 are.

After my over-engineered challenge 2 solution last week, brute force seems very appealing, and that is how I go with both challenges this week. I should point out though that in this case, brute force is strictly dominated by a standard analytical formula. We can calculate the number of permutations of the digits 0 .. 9 taken 1 at a time, 2 at a time, 3 at a time, etc. with adjustments to handle the upper bound n. Fellow-contributor Luis Mochan has spelled out the formula in his blog.

In Raku, the brute force solution is a short and sweet one-liner:

raku -e '(1 .. @*ARGS[0]).grep({$_ == $_.comb.unique.join}).elems.say' $@

I tried to translate this to an equivalent Perl 5 one-liner with the help of the List::MoreUtils uniq subroutine. But I gave up fast and ended up with a longer script and a subroutine. Here is the subroutine.

sub special_integers {
    my ($n)=@_;
    my $ctr=0;
    for my $i (1 .. $n) {
        my @n = uniq split(//,$i);
        ($i == join('',@n)) && ($ctr++);
    return $ctr;

I initially thought I would skip Julia this time, but I was able to translate the logic to Julia fast and smoothly. I want to avoid switching between integer and string types in Julia, which is more strongly typed than the Perls. So my test compares the length of the array containing the unique digits to the length of the array containing the repeated digits, i.e., an integer-to-integer comparison. Here it is, using Julia's convenient 'digits' and 'unique' functions.

function special_integers( n::Int64 ) ::Int64
    for i in 1:n
        if length(digits(i)) == length(unique(digits(i)))
            ctr += 1
    return ctr

My Julia script runs in around 1 second for n = 1,000,000. Perl 5 is around 1.8 seconds. Raku is around 13 seconds.

Challenge 2 (Most frequent even)

We are given a list of integers, and asked to find the most frequently occurring even number in the list. If there is a tie, we should report the lowest candidate.

I initially spent some time attempting a one-liner in Raku, but could not resolve some mysterious bugs. So I ended up submitting a vanilla short script. Here is the key subroutine.

sub most-frequent-even (@list) {
    (my @evens = @list.grep(* %% 2)) || (return -1);
    my $max-freq = @evens.Bag.values.max;
    @evens.Bag.pairs.grep({$_.value == $max-freq}).map({$_.key}).min;  

We use a bag (an immutable hash that counts frequencies) to get the maximum frequency, then get the lowest bag key that has that frequency as its value.

Here is a one-liner with a slight variation on the logic. This one works fine.

raku -e '@*ARGS.grep(* %% 2).Bag.pairs.sort({($^b.value <=> $^a.value) || ($^a.key <=> $^b.key) }).[0].key.say' 6 4 4 6 1

I translate the logic to Perl 5, which involves the minor extra chore of implementing the bag myself. Here is the subroutine. The 'min' and 'max' operators are imported from List::Util.

sub most_frequent_even {
    my (@list) = @_;
    (my @evens = grep {($_ % 2) == 0} @list )  || (return -1);
    my %bag;
    for (@evens) {
    my $max_freq = max values %bag;
    @evens = grep {$bag{$_} == $max_freq} keys %bag;
    min @evens;

I was thinking of skipping Julia, but I'm glad I didn't. This is very easy to translate to Julia. Julia also has the countmap function which does the same thing as Raku bags. Here is the function.

function most_frequent_even( mylist::Vector{Int64} ) ::Int64
    evens = mylist[mylist .% 2 .== 0]
    if length(evens)==0
        return -1
    d_freq = countmap(evens) #-- a dictionary (hash)
    retval = Vector{Int64}()
    for i in keys(d_freq)
        if d_freq[i] == max_freq
            push!(retval, i)
    return minimum(retval)     

Here is the bad Raku one-liner with mysterious bugs. It sometimes gave the right answer and sometimes a wrong one for the same input. For example, I just ran it twice, getting 6 [wrong] the first time, and 4 [right] the second time. Possibly some compiler confusion with the overloaded '*' character, or $_ might be interpreted in some unexpected way.

raku -e 'say (my @sublist=@*ARGS.grep(* %% 2)) ?? @sublist.Bag.pairs.sort({$_.value})[*-1].sort({$_.key})[0].key !! -1' 6 4 4 6 1
Perl    Raku    Julia 



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