PWC 179

PWC 179

These are somewhat quick and dirty attempts as I have less spare time this week.

Challenge 1 (ordinal numbers)

Challenge 1 asks for a numeric input to be represented in words (in English) as an ordinal number, e.g., 62 -> sixty-second.

The easiest way to do this in Perl 5 is via the Lingua::EN::Numbers package or one of its relatives. The ready-made num2en_ordinal subroutine does what we need.

In Raku, it is easiest to use Lingua::EN::Numbers again via Inline::Perl 5.

In Julia too, I just run Perl 5 one-liners using Julia's backtick notation (documented here).

So effectively I have three Perl 5 scripts wrapped slightly differently.

I found out later that Raku has its own Lingua::EN::Numbers, so one doesn't have to call the Perl 5 module.

Challenge 2 (Unicode sparkline)

Sparklines are inline graphics. We are asked to represent an array of numbers as a sparkline using unicode characters.

I use the three unicode characters     and to represent items in the array that are respectively within one standard deviation of the median (), more than one standard deviation less than the median () i.e., in the left tail, or more than one standard deviation greater than the median (), i.e., in the right tail.

So for the array of numbers (1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1), my programs print out: ▁▂▂▂▃▂▂▂▁.



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